When the Sky Turned Black by Jennifer Joeyen-Waldorf Sonic stared at the ceiling. Not that there was anything particularly interesting about the ceiling. He just happened to be lying on his back in bed, and the ceiling of his hut happened to be above him. Not that there was anything wrong with the ceiling, either. Coming to the conclusion that it was a perfectly serviceable yet unremarkable ceiling, Sonic rolled over on his side and glanced out the window. He saw Sally outside, demonstrating Rotor's latest invention. She had told him that it was a new non-explosive short circuit-inducing missile projectile system, which Rotor had unaccountably dubbed "archery." Not quite sure what she was talking about, and therefore annoyed, Sonic was in no mood to utilize his limited supply of patience to learn how to use the device. The situation had followed the only possible course: Sonic was in his room being frustrated, and the others were practicing archery. Sally's voice could be heard through the open window. "...then draw back the string like so, aim, and--" This was followed by a soft thud, evidence that the arrow had hit a target. "Now you try. Oh, Mei Li, at this distance, you'll want to aim a bit higher, to allow for slight gravitation...there you go. Nice shot." Sonic got up and closed the window. He didn't really want to hear how good Mei Li the Great Panda, a guest at Knothole, was at archery. It seemed she was good at everything, especially things that he excelled the least in. Of course, he knew it wasn't her fault, but Sonic liked to have all the attention and admiration. He got back onto his bed. About half an hour later, Sonic's thoughts were interrupted by a knock at his door. "Sonic!" called Sally. "Can I come in? I think you'd better hear this." "Door's open," replied Sonic, sitting up. The door opened and Sally entered. "Mei Li, you should hear this, too," she called out the door. "Come in here." Mei Li came in. "Hi, Sally. Rotor wanted me to tell you that I hit nine out of ten shots from twenty yards. Oh, hi, Sonic." "Hi," muttered Sonic. If anyone thought he wasn't being friendly, they didn't mention it. Sally got on with it. "Sonic, guess what. I went through the files I copied at Robotropolis yesterday, and found out why Robotnik wanted the stone of Lao Shan that Mei Li brought from her old home. It wasn't so HE could use it, it was to prevent US from using it. It can absorb energy." "Huh?" "Think about it, Sonic. Why does Robotnik have control?" "Umm--" "Automation," she said. "Of course," joined in Mei Li. "Everything at Robotropolis is automated. And that means--" "Take out his source of electricity--" "And he's helpless!" "And this stone can do that. All we need is to get the Xing crystal, and then--" "HEY!" interrupted Sonic. "Anyone mind clueing me in here?" "Sorry, Sonic. It's like this," said Sally. "We're going to use the Stone of Lao Shan and the Xing crystal to drain Robotnik's power directly from his generator. If he doesn't have electricity, he can't power the Swat-bots, the roboticizer, or even his front door. And think of what Rotor can do with that power source." "That sounds good." "We just need to get the Xing crystal." "Okay, where is it?" Sally sighed. "That's the hard part." "What do you mean?" "I'll explain. We need to hold a meeting." Sunlight filtering through the rich green leaves of a sprawling beach tree danced playfully on the many different colors of fur that decorated the motley band of Freedom Fighters as they held their conference meeting underneath. It was outside so that Dulcy, who didn't fit in any of the buildings, could attend. Sally was explaining the situation to the rest of the Freedom Fighters. "That's cool, Sal. How do we get this thing, already?" asked Sonic, who had waited at least half an hour to hear the answer to this question. "That's the hard part," repeated the princess. "Nicole, activate physical world map." "Activating, Sally." "You see, according to the files that were in Robotnik's computer, the Xing crystal was abandoned inside of Mt. Zerstorung in the late 2090's." "Inside Mt. Whatzit?" "Mt. Zerstorung is a volcano," explained Rotor. "Someone needs to bring it back to Knothole," she gestured towards Nicole's holographic map, "from Mt. Zerstorung. There's a channel to cross to get to this island, so we can't go by land. Whoever it is needs to ride on Dulcy." "Why? What's wrong with the plane?" asked Sonic bluntly. "I'm afraid I'm responsible for that," said Rotor. "I'm trying to add solar panels to it to conserve energy. It should be ready in a few months...." "So who's going?" "I'm getting to that, Sonic," said Sally. "I think Mei Li should go, because she brought us the Stone. I think I should go, because I know about the volcano. And I think you should go, because it will save a long, pointless argument that I can't win anyway." "What about Tails?" asked Sonic. "Tails is too young. This is a volcano we're talking about." "Awww!" "What about Bunny?" "That's jist what Ah was sayin'," said Bunny. "Ah wanna go." "Well, if Bunny goes, I'll need to leave Antoine in charge," she said, suppressing a smile at the calculated reaction. "Then again, four's a crowd," Sonic decided. "And just what have perhaps you been meandering by this mentionage?" asked the disgruntled--well, whatever he is. "Then it's settled. We leave at dawn." "Man, we always leave at dawn," came a whine. Sally chose to ignore him. "Meeting adjourned." Each creature went his or her seperate way, as Sonic strolled off muttering, "Why can't we ever leave at noon? Mid-morning, even?" Sally was alone. She was standing in an open space apparently in the middle of nowhere. As far as she could see, there was nothing but bare, level ground in all directions. Not even a cloud in the sky to tell north from south. Suddenly, everything began to darken. Alarmed, Sally looked upwards, and saw the sky turning black. This was not an oncoming storm, it was as if a black cloth was being drawn over the great dome, starting at one horizon and moving rapidly towards the other. Soon the sky dome above her was black, with no stars or any sign of the moon. Only when the rumbling came did Sally realize that all had been deathly quiet up until now. The sound was so overwhelming that she could barely think. When she looked up again, she saw that the sky was breaking to pieces, and falling. There was nowhere to go. She screamed. "Sal! Sal, wake up, you're dreaming." Sally became aware that she was in her own room, and Sonic was standing over her and shaking her. "All right, I'm awake," she said. "Are you all right, Sal?" "Of course I'm all right," Sally said, though her pulse was racing. "You were screaming about he sky falling." Annoyed at him for witnessing her terror, she snapped, "It was just a dream. What are you getting so upset about?" She rolled over to face away from him, but not before she had noticed his brow furrowed with worry over her. "I'm fine," she added. "I'll stay with you, if you like." "I'm not a child! I don't need you here. It was just a dream." Just the same, Sonic pulled a chair next to Sally's bed and sat next to her. In spite of herself, Sally was glad he was there. She went over the dream in her mind and shuddered. What could it possibly mean? Sally shivered. Covered in cold sweat, she felt the night chill even though it was summer. She pretended to be asleep as she felt another blanket being laid on top of her. Awakening to rumbling noise the next morning, Sally's stomach tightened until she identified the sound: it was Sonic snoring. As she felt relief wash over her, she realized that the sun was already well up. "We're late," she said, jumping out of bed, and remembering too late that Sonic was sitting on a chair next to it. She knocked over the chair and they both tumbled to the floor. "Good morning, Sal," Sonic groaned, after having been kneed in the stomach. "Sorry, Sonic. But we have to go. We're late." Sally put on her vest and one boot as Sonic collected himself and got up. "What's the big rush, anyway?" asked Sonic, stretching. "Do I need to explain everything to you?" she replied, hopping across the floor in the direction of the door while attempting to put on the other boot. Had Sally not been a princess, her position could have been described as ungainly. "Let's go!" She stood upright and grabbed Nicole from the nightstand. "Are you coming?" Sonic, now fully awake, said, "Try and stop me!" Sonic was becoming less and less enthusiastic each time he looked over the edge of Dulcy's back at the Great Forest littered with clouds below them. "Sal!" he yelled to the pouch on Dulcy's abdomen, which contained the princess. "How much longer do we need to be up here?!" "What?!" "How much longer?!!" "We just left!" It hadn't been five minutes, actually, so Sonic had to be content to wait. The eastward journey towards the ocean took only about an hour, but an hour of waiting was usually more than could be expected of him. On this occasion, however, there was no alternative for the hedgehog. One can imagion the elation Sonic felt upon hearing after a few repetitions that the island had been sighted and they were about to land. He was ecstatic until he remembered the reason why he had wanted to take the plane: Dulcy's crash landings. This landing was no exception. Sonic wasn't clear on what happened, because somehow he had his eyes closed from the point when he lost hold of Dulcy. He couldn't see anything, but was all the more acutely aware that he was falling. Six long seconds later he was in a pricker bush, and wasn't quite pleased about the situation, to put it mildly. Sally had fared better: she only had a new bruise on her shoulder from hitting the base of a tree. Mei Li, however, was unscathed after having jumped clear before the crash. For the second time that day, Sonic was groaning. Sally got up and brushed herself off before checking on Dulcy, and looking for Sonic. That wasn't easy, because the entire area was thick with various low-growing plants, seemingly unhindered by the shade of the trees. Sonic picked himself up and was in the process of climbing out of the bush when Sally found him. "Sonic, are you all right?" "Oh, I'm fine. Are you okay?" "Yeah. Sonic, you're bleeding. It's a good thing I brought a first-aid kit." "No, no first-aid. I know what that means. That means something's going to sting. Uncool." But Sally was already bringing out the iodine. "Don't be such a baby. You don't want an infection, do you? Sit down. Not in those nettles!" Sonic was going to say that he might very well like to have an infection, but Dulcy came crashing through the foliage just then with Mei Li astride. "We've found the entrance," Dulcy called. "Hurry up!" That is how it happened that a dragon, a panda, a ground squirrel, and a bandaged, scowling blue hedgehog arrived at what appeared to be a cave entrance near the bottom of a mountain. The entrance, about five feet in diameter, did not easily accomodate a dragon. "Sorry, Dulce," said Sally. "I think you'll need to wait here." "I'll be waiting." As the three peered into the complete darkness lying ten feet within the tunnel, they knew they had no choice but to go on. Sonic's eyes were wide open, but it didn't make a difference in the long tunnel stretching beneath the earth. He couldn't see a thing. There wasn't really much danger because the tunnel was more or less straight, but he was frustrated that he was reduced to Sally's walking pace. "This tunnel that we're walking through," Sally was saying, so that the others could have a fix on her position, "is a lava tube. It was formed when the lava pushed its way through a weak part of the ground. The lava flowed along this very tunnel to the opening, insulated by the stone." "Fascinating," said Sonic sarcastically, because he had just bumped his head as the tunnel suddenly narrowed, and was mainly interested in not doing it again. "I think it is," said Mei Li. " I mean, do you realize the power that lava has? It can only be stopped by the ocean. To think that we are walking where it once flowed. Incredible." "I agree. But there's no need to worry about lava now. Nicole is monitoring seismic and thermal activities." "Hey, Sal, any idea how long this tube thingie is?" "We should be getting there in ten minutes. Someday you will need to learn some patience, you know." The conversation ended there. Between the silence and the darkness, the travelers were all but swallowed up. "Wow," was all that Sally could say as she squinted even at the slight daylight which was coming through an opening above. The light revealed a phenomenal cavern, large enough to hold Knothole several times over, she thought. "This chamber must have been filled with magma once, and now it's drained and hollow. I've heard of this, but I never thought I'd see such a place." "This will be hard to forget," commented Mei Li. Even Sonic was having a hard time brushing this off without interest. The incredible size, the blackness of the stone that made up the walls, and the faintness of the light coming through the volcanic crater above, for that's what it was, had an ominous effect Poe would have delighted in creating. No one could say how long they stood there, reveling in this Mobian creation. All time was lost in this underground land that seemed to belong more in a dream than below the surface of their comfortable homeland. Surprisingly, Sonic was not the first to lose patience. "Oh my gosh, we're wasting time," said Sally. "We need to get moving. Let's find that crystal, and quickly." By now they had wandered far into the cavern. The floor stretched a great distance in all directions, but it was undisturbed, and there was no sign of a crystal. No one knew where to begin searching, let alone where to end. But the crystal seemed secondary at this point, somehow. "If you don't mind my asking, Princess," said Mei Li, still looking upward, "what is your hurry? I could stay here for hours just to look at this place. Look how enormous it is! A great dome like the sky. Yes, I would say it is much like the sky gone black." Here she turned to look at the princess, for she had drawn in her breath sharply. Mei Li became alarmed, because Sally was trembling all over and clearly in a bad state, staring up at the stone above them. "Sonic," she managed to hiss, "get us out of here! Now!" Sonic turned, glanced at Sally, and didn't ask questions. He picked up her limp body and Mei Li at the same time and ran, just as the rumbling began. Alarmed by the noise and Sally's sudden loss of composure, Sonic was only aware that he needed to get out of the cave, and fast. Light spilled into the cavern as the ceiling of the hollow volcano began to break apart and cave in. A large piece of rock crashed at their left, showering them with a fusillade of stone splinters. Sally screamed, and Sonic, if it was possible, ran faster. Sonic suddenly remembered his power ring, and grabbed it just as a stone came crashing down behind them. Then they were in the tunnel, and surrounded by blackness again. The rumbling, crashing noise was conducted through the solid black stone of the lava tube, and echoed off the walls to create a noise that sounded like the world was being destroyed, and at that moment all three of them, with their thoughts scattered in panic, thought that it was. By now they were safe, because the tunnel was staying intact, but they were far from aware of it. Sonic ran on as the tiny dot that signified the end of the tunnel grew ever so slightly larger, and the seconds seemed to stretch. Suddenly, blinded by the broad daylight that looked like the explosion of the sun as they emerged from the tunnel, Sonic ran headfirst into a thicket of bushes. Sally was the first to regain herself. She stood up. "Sonic, are you all right?" she asked. Sonic, still lying flat on his back, looked around him, and then at Sally. "Yeah, I'm cool," he said, sitting up. "You saved us." Sonic looked over at the flattened ruin of the once grand volcano, and brushed it off, saying, "Oh, that--yeah, I know. It was nothing." Sally laughed, breaking the stillness that followed the catastrophe. "What?" Sally kept laughing. "I wasn't scared," he added. "Yeah," Sally giggled, knowingly, "I know you weren't." She leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. "Sally!" It was Mei Li's voice. Sally stood back up. "We're over here!" In a moment, Mei Li climbed through some thick bushes to where the others were. "Are you guys all right?" she asked, though she was still trembling herself. "Yeah, we're fine," said Sally. "Hey, has anyone seen Dulcy? I thought she was waiting outside the tunnel entrance." "I'm over here," came a whisper from deeper in the bushes. Then Dulcy's face emerged. "You guys all need to hide and be quiet right away. I'll explain." Sonic, Sally, and Mei Li followed Dulcy's face into thicker cover and crouched down in a circle. "What's up, Dulce?" whispered Sonic. "Robotnik. I saw his ship fly in overhead, so I hid. I think he's the one that set off the explosions." "What explosions?" "The ones that brought down that volcano, of course." "You mean someone did that on purpose?" said Sally out loud. "Shhh. Yes, I'm sure of it. Robotnik must have known you were in there." "How could he have known?" whispered Sonic. "Oh no." Sally looked grim. "What?" "The files I copied from Robotropolis. He must have found out. He must have realized we would come here and--" "I'm afraid it's worse than that," interjected Mei Li. "Robotnik hasn't been following us, he's been leading us on. He planned this whole thing." "How do you know?" asked Sally. "He was waiting for us to come here. He knew that that volcano was mostly hollow. He set up bombs in the right places to trigger a massive cave-in. That takes precision--and time." "You mean--" "I think those files were fake. There is no Crystal. And the Stone is worthless. He's been a step ahead of us the whole time." "You mean we've been out here risking our necks and we don't get anything out of it?" hissed Sonic. Sally kicked him. "Ow!" "We have to make the best of it," said Sally. "We need to go back to Knothole. We do have an advantage: Robotnik thinks we're dead. If I hadn't given an early warning because of my dream, we wouldn't have made it out. And Robotnik knows that. He won't suspect we survived. We need to go back to Knothole and discuss a new plan." She stood up. "Come on, let's go." The rest followed. "What dream?" asked Dulcy. "I'll explain on the way." Their trek through the woods was long and difficult because of all the undergrowth, but Sally insisted that they get well away before taking off on Dulcy. There could be no risk of Robotnik seeing them. Because of this, they couldn't walk as a group, but had to spread out and find their own paths. Mei Li caught up with Sonic, who was maintaining his "snail speed" so he wouldn't lose the others in the forest. "Sonic. I wanted to thank you." "For what?" he asked, puzzled. "You saved my life," she said, with clear admiration. The trip back to Knotthole was uneventful once they got in flight. If you could refrain from calling Dulcy's landing back in Knothole an event, but most Freedom Fighters were used to that by now. The fact that Sonic was thrown into the air and landed on the roof of someone's hut didn't seem significant. That was one of her better landings. Sally had scheduled a meeting under the beech trees for that afternoon, to discuss their next plan. Everyone was late, of course, except for Sally, Mei Li, and surprisingly, Sonic. "Sally," said Mei Li. "I wanted to talk to you." "What is it?" "I don't think I should stay at Knothole." "Why not?" "I thought I could do this, but I--I can't. I was so confident until today, but then in the volcano I was--I was scared. Really scared. I didn't know what to do. What use am I to you? You can't depend on me. I should leave. I'm not strong enough to fight against Robotnik." "Don't be silly," said Sally, practically. "You've showed tremendous talent in most standard training, and so far you've displayed presence of mind and intelligence in every circumstance, even under pressure. You would be an asset to our team. You're being too hard on yourself." "No, you don't understand. I felt so helpless--" she paused, searching for words to explain, "I'll let you down." "Listen to me--" "Sal." Sonic had been silent up until now. "Can I talk to Mei Li a sec?" "Sure." There was a pause. "Alone?" "Right. I'll go see what's keeping the others. They should be here by now anyway." She trotted off in the direction of Bunny's hut. "I know what you're going to say," said Mei Li. "That I was doing great and I would be a good Freedom Fighter, but you don't understand how I felt--" "That's not what I was going to say," interrupted Sonic. "It wasn't?" "No." "...What were you going to say?" "I think there may be something you don't understand. You're taking all the responsibility yourself. The fact is, none of us are good enough to face Robotnik--at least, not alone. That's why we have each other. We're all good at different things. None of us know what to do all the time. We help each other when we can. Do you see what I mean?" "Kind of, but--" "Besides that, I think I know how you felt." "What do you mean?" Sonic took a deep breath. "I was scared too." "You were?" "Yeah, but we can still win if we trust each other." "I see." "I believe in you. And I would be glad to have you with us." And he meant it. Smiling, she said, "I'll do my best." THE END